Thursday, 50-Mile Championship Results
Sixty-eight equines (67 horses and a mule) and their riders took to the trail Thursday morning, with 50 finishing for a 73.5% completion rate.Completion awards were Championship-logoed fleece vests sponsored by Hope for Horses.

Erin Lemmons-Innes and Jeremy Reynolds tied for first place in the Championship 50-mile ride. |
Jeremy Reynolds on Barbara Hershberger's Anydaynow and Erin Lemmons-Innes on her Tuscarora John graciously agreed to tie for first place in a ride time of 5:20:47. Between them, they won a dress cooler with the Championship commemorated donated by the Newmans and a plush, lovely and soft seat saver donated by Distance Depot. Jeremy and Erin decided who would take home what. Five minutes later, Alisija Zabavska came in on Hidden Assets, winning a five pound bag of horse treats donated by Valley Ag.
Top ten finishers in the 50-mile Championship were awarded brush totes donated by Daniel Boone Distance Riders filled with a VetTec hoof packing kit and gun donated by VetTec. Eleventh place was supplanted by a three-way tie for tenth, with Hanna Weightman on Authentika, the Young Rider, getting the tenth place prize. So the $10 gift certificate (donated by Riding Warehouse) somehow shared between Holly Corcoran and Diane Rowley.
Since this was an AERC Championship, weight division first-to-finish awards were given -- handsome, plaqued halters donated by Valley Ag. Those awards went to:

Heavyweight Don Meuten rode FYF Wolverine, ride time of 7:13:56 |

Middleweight: Jane Rodrigue rode Al Shama Shaazon, ride time of 6:15:46 |

Featherweight: Alisija Zabavska on Hidden Assets, ride time of 5:25:33 |

Young Rider: Hanna Weightman on Authentika, ride time of 6:41:59 |

Junior Rider: Madeline Isaacs on Shasta, ride time of 6:47:47 |
Of course, top Lightweight went to the tie between Erin Lemmons-Innes on Tuscarora John and Jeremy Reynolds on Anydaynow, ride time of 5:20:47
Junior rider and young rider also received a framed, 8 x 10 portrait photograph done by Becky Pearman.
Five horses stood for Best Conditioned. Erin Lemmons-Innes won that with her Tuscarora John, receiving a hand-thrown pottery platter with the ride logo made by Marbie Kollath. The BC score was 730. High Vet Score was won by Radu Ciubuc on Khysys Halim (ride time of 6:16:50), winning a beautiful, hand-done, multi-wooded cutting board made by Matt Vore. The vet score for his horse was 470. |

Radu Ciubuc won High Vet Score with Khysus Halim |

Tracy Benedict got the coveted Middle of the Pack with Dixie |
Middle of the pack award was a full year equestrian pass to the Biltmore Estate, entitling the winner to access to the grounds, house, and trails of the Estate for a year; donated by Biltmore Equestrian Center. Tracy Benedict won that on her horse Dixie, in a ride time of 7:38:03. |
And, back of the pack award was a gift certificate for a tub of Platinum Performance, donated by Platinum Performance, and won by Jaime McArdle on Ireland's Khaleesi in a ride time of 10:18:19.
The results summary for the Thursday 50-mile Championship ride is here. BC scores for the Championship 50 are here.
Thursday, 50-Mile Open AERC Ride Results
Twenty-four horses started the open 50-mile ride, with twenty-two finishing, for a remarkable 91.7% completion rate. Completion awards were Hope for Horses painted horseshoes with a metal horsehead inlay sponsored by Hope for Horses, and Matt Koch, one of the ride farriers.
First across the finish line, in a time of 6:16:54, was Heather Reynolds on RTR Thunders Nusabre. They won a horseshoe-based lamp created and donated by Don Elliott. About twenty minutes later, Tina Murphy finished second on Son Rais (6:37:10), winning a flake bag donated by the Newmans. And a bit after that (at 6:46:35), Kathy Broaddus came in third on Flo, winning a horseshoe-based trivet crafted by Mountain Farriers. |

Heather Reynolds on RTR Thunders Nusabre won the Open 50-mile ride. |

Reine Pagliaro got Middle of the Pack in the Open 50-mile ride |
Top ten in the 50-mile open ride won bottles of Biltmore Estate wine donated by Biltmore Equestrian Center. Eleventh place received a five pound bag of horse treats donated by Valley Ag and enjoyed by Reine Pagliaro's horse, MLC Mooi Falco. They had a ride time of 9:27:46. Reine also received the Middle of the Pack award, a $50 gift certificate from Tractor Supply.
Best conditioned was won by Heather Reynolds on RTR Thunders Nusabre, with a score of 710. They received a $100 gift certificate donated by Tractor Supply. And they also won high vet score, receiving a horseshoe-based trivet crafted by Mountain Farriers.
Back of the Pack went to Madison Taylor on Morgan Watson's My Lords Elizabeth in a ride time of 10:18:04. They won a basket of horse goodies donated by Tractor Supply. |
No Young Riders started the ride. Maddie Rogers on Amy Gantt's Calypso Aleluia Flite was top Junior Rider (ride time of 8:40:56), winning a framed, 8 x 10 portrait photograph done by Becky Pearman. She was first among the seven (!) Junior Riders starting the ride -- the group of Juniors had a 100% completion rate.
The results summary for the Thursday 50-mile Open ride is here. BC scores for the Open 50 are here. |

Maddie Rogers on Amy Gantt's Calypso Aleluia Flite got Top Junior in the Open 50 |
50-Mile Regional Team Results
Regional teams were operative only in the Championship rides. Everyone in an AERC region in the Championship is nominally on their regional team. The top three riders in a region counted towards awards, and only the top three riders got their team’s "medals" -- actually buttons. First three teams won commemorative buttons donated by the Newmans. After a false start, the straight story on Regional 50-mile Team award winners emerged:
Central came in first, with first three from the region: Erin Lemmons-Innes, Alisija Zabavska, and Radu Ciubuc providing a winning combined time of 17:03:10. They won $25 gift certificates from Riding Warehouse.
Southeast came in second, with first three from the region: Jeremy Reynolds, Marbie Kollath, and Cheryl van Deusen with a combined time of 18:01:35. They won five pound bags of horse treats donated by Valley Ag.
Northeast came in third, with first three from the region: Lisa Green, Gina Hagis, and Jane Rodrigue with a combined ride time of 18:43:01. They won nubby rubber mitts donated by the Newmans.
The results summary for the Championship 50-mile Regional Teams is here.
50-Mile Open Team Results
The first of the wild cards, the 50-mile open teams drew riders from across the Championship and Open 50-mile rides on a full mix-and-match basis. Teams had a maximum of four riders, with the fastest three horses to count. First three teams won commemorative buttons donated by the Newmans.
The 50-milers got into this: 15 teams were assembled, and 12 teams actually finished three of four or four of four riders. The major management complaint (and you can see that the ride was going well if this is the major complaint): the teams did not all come up with NAMES.
First place team was the Texes High team, consisting of Radu Ciubuc (photo earlier), Erin Lemmons-Innes (photo earlier), Jesse Jarrett, and Karen Isaacs with a best three-of-four combined ride time of 18:25:24. They won gift certificates for tubs of Platinum Performance, donated by Platinum Performance.
Hurricane Florence team came in second, with Annie Whelan, Heather Reynolds, Jeremy Reynolds, and Don Meuten with a best three-of-four combined ride time of 18:51:37. They won five pound bags of horse treats donated by Valley Ag. |

Jesse Jarrett on Sky High on the Teses High team |

Karen Isaacs on FYF Sport on the Texes High team |
The third place team had no name, but consisted of Cheryl van Deusen, Holly Corcoran, Hanna Weightman, and Brooks Prater, with a best three-of-four combined ride time of 20:01:08. They won 'mini' flex buckets, suitable for pens, small plants, whatever, and donated by the Newmans.
The results summary for the all-50s, Open Teams is here.
50-Mile AERC Spirit Team Results
The idea of the AERC Spirit Team is 'to finish is to win'. And a recognition of AERC divisions of weight and age. So a team was required to have one heavyweight, one middleweight, one lightweight, one featherweight, and one of either a young rider or a junior rider. And ALL members of the team had to complete. Anyone who has done statistics on endurance rides will recognize this as a difficult goal!
Four 50-mile Spirit Teams started, and one had a full complement complete. The riders on that team were Dan Hallman (HW), Cheryl van Deusen (MW), Elise Rogers (LW), Heidi Rajala (FW), and Maddie Rogers (JR). Their win was regocnized after the fact -- somehow one of the completions had dropped from the record then was validated. So, after the event, they will receive a photo collage of the team put together by Becky Pearman. Congratulations!

The results summary for the 50-Mile AERC Spirit Teams is here.
Friday, 25-Mile Open Ride Results
Sixty-two horses started the 25-mile open ride, and 47 riders finished for a 75.8% completion rate. Completion awards were Hope for Horses painted horseshoes with a metal horsehead inlay sponsored by Hope for Horses, and Matt Koch, one of the ride farriers.

Erin Lowe-Pagliaro on her Downtown Chips won the 25-mile Open ride. |
Erin Lowe-Pagliaro, a rider from Swannanoa, NC (just east of Asheville) won the with a ride time of 3 hours flat on Downtown Chips. Their prize was a lovely Indian-themed overlay on blue headstall and reins donated by Taylored Tack. Shortly afterwards, Julie Hicks on Moonlight Flash completed (3:04) winning a horseshoe-based trivet from Mountain Farriers, followed (3:05) by Mark Reader on Bar Dancer in third who received a five pound bag of horse treats donated by Valley Ag.
Top ten in the 25-mile open ride won bottles of Biltmore Estate wine donated by Biltmore Equestrian Center. |
Best conditioned was won by Dana Reeder on LB Beryl, with a score of 790. They received a flake bag donated by the Newmans. And they also won high vet score, receiving a horseshoe-based trivet crafted by Mountain Farriers.
Eleventh place received a five pound bag of horse treats donated by Valley Ag and enjoyed by Diane Rowley's horse, Dandi Diego (3:37). Middle of the Pack award went to Sam Jones (from Australia) on Cheryl van Deusen's Ebs Regal Majjaan in a ride time of 4:09. Sam won a basket of horse goodies donated by Tractor Supply. Back of the Pack was won by first-time-competitor Stephanie Easler on her Striker in a time of 5:10. Stephanie also won a basket of horse goodies donated by Tractor Supply |

Dana Reeder on LB Beryl had a near-perfect BC score |

Lani Jarrett on Pimpin |
First Junior Rider was Lanie Jarrett on Pimpin in a ride time of 4:05:55, winning an 8 x 10 framed photograph from the ride taken by Becky Pearman. Similarly, First Young Rider was Libby Cutler on Eunice Graham's Duke in a ride time of 3:45:00. They, too, won an 8 x 10 framed photograph from the ride taken by Becky Pearman.
The results summary for the Friday, 25-mile Open ride is here. BC scores for the Open 25 are here. |

Libby Cutler on Duke |
25-Mile Open Team Results
Note: as an Open ride, no Regional Teams were assembled. And apparently the 25 mile riders did not see the sign up sheet for AERC Spirit Teams as not a single AERC Spirit Team was assembled).
Teams had a maximum of four riders, with the fastest three horses to count. The first three teams won commemorative buttons donated by the Newmans. This was a case where the desire to have results soon resulted in some mistaken results. The first place team announced at awards actually place fourth (one rider's time was dropped from the total). So the results here are corrected.
First place team consisted of Nancy Sluys, Jesse Jarrett and Lanie Jarrett, posting a combined ride time of 12:13:55. They won vials of Biofreeze donated by Nancy MacDonald. Second place team had Ericka Eckstrom, Elise Rogers, Faith Wanicka, and Maddie Rogers having a best-three ride time of 12:52:04 and winning hand-crafted halter holders based on horseshoes done by Don Elliott. For third place, riders Marie Umbarger, Abbey Crenshaw, Hannah Crenshaw, and Walter Cornwell combined with a ride time of 13:35:00 to win five pound bags of horse treats donated by Valley Ag.

Jesse and Lani Jarrett on Pimpin and Smoke Deuce |

Nancy Sluys on Nancy's Summer Dance |
The results summary for the 25-Mile Open Teams is here.
Saturday, 100-Mile Championship Results
Bryan Easler Toyota of Hendersonville, NC sponsored the 100 mile Championship.
We started thirty-three horses in the 100-milie Championship and finished sixteen for a 48.5% completion rate. Since no Open riders were doing a 100, the Open ride awards were combined with the Champsionship awards, allowing a good bit of double dipping. Thus, completion awards were BOTH a fabulous buckle donated by AERC and a Hope for Horses painted horseshoe with a metal horsehead inlay sponsored by Hope for Horses, and Matt Koch, one of the ride farriers.
One of the special aspects to the 100-mile ride was that a trial of Progressive Recovery and associated potential evaluation parameters was done. Every effort was made to make this as transparent as possible to the riders. A summary of the study (will be) here. Individualized results will be shared with the riders.

Holly Corcoran on Poete commandingly won the Championship 100 Mile ride |
Holly Corcoran and Poete won in a ride time of 12:26:47. Notably, Poete had among the best pulse recoveries in the Progressive Study all day long while finishing two hours ahead of the next horse. Holly and Poete are worthy champions! They won a remarkable horse painting from the Ruth Baker Estate and left to then donated by Hope for Horses, valued at $1600. Holly and Poete also won a $100 gift card to Tractor Supply. |

Marcia Weilbach on Zanthus Fury came in second |
Wendy Mancini on Sterling finished third |
Second place was Marcia Weilbach on Zanthus Fury in a ride time of 14:36:38, winning a red/white/blue beta halter and lead donated by the Newmans and a $50 gift card donated by Tractor Supply. |
Third place, just seconds back, was Wendy Mancini on Sterling (14:36:50), winning a five pound bag of horse treats plus a horseshoe-based trivet crafted by Mountain Farriers. |
Top ten in the 100-mile Championship were awarded brush totes donated by Daniel Boone Distance Riders filled with a VetTec hoof packing kit and gun donated by VetTec. Eleventh place got a $25 gift certificate (donated by Riding Warehouse) won by Lois McAfee on Macho Man (ride time of 15:57:44).
Since this was an AERC Championship, weight division first-to-finish awards were given -- handsome, plaqued halters donated by Valley Ag. Those awards went to:

Cheryl van Deusen on Ebs Regal Majjaan
First Middleweight |
Guy Worthington on PA Hi-Spirit
First Heavyweight |
Heavyweight: Guy Worthington on PA Hi-Spirit, ride time of 15:50:55
Middleweight: Cheryl van Deusen on Ebs Regal Majjaan, ride time of 19:25:13. Note: Royal did the 25 mile ride as a warm-up on Friday....
Lightweight: Holly Corcoran on Poete, ride time of 12:26:47 (photo earlier)
Featherweight: Marcia Weilbach on Zanthus Fury, ride time of 14:36:38 (photo earlier)
Young Rider: none finished
Junior Rider: none entered
Only one horse stood for Best Conditioned, which was granted happily to Holly Corcoran's Poete (BC score of 700). They also got High Vet Score (400). For Best Conditioned, they won a hand-thrown pottery platter with the ride logo made by Marbie Kollath. For High Vet Score, they won a beautiful, hand-done, multi-wooded cutting board made by Matt Vore. Each came with a beautifully finished stand hand wrought by metalworker Don Elliott.

Jan Worthington got Middle of the Pack |

Claire Godwin and her 27-year old Merc completed the endurance Triple Crown 2018 |
Middle of the Pack award was a full year equestrian pass to the Biltmore Estate, entitling the winner to access to the grounds, house, and trails of the Estate for a year; donated by Biltmore Equestrian Center. Jan Worthington won that on her horse Dimitri KS, in a ride time of 15:50:52. Jan is distinguished in many ways. On this ride, Jan was the oldest rider -- completing 100 miles at the age of 78. What a role model! |
Claire Godwin's Merc came through strong! This year, he completed the "triple crown" of endurance -- the Old Dominion 100, the Tevis, and the AERC National Championship 100 -- as a 27 year old, a truly awesome feat. |
Back of the Pack went to the redoubtable Cheryl van Deusen on her horse, Ebs Regal Majjaan in a ride time of 19:25:13. They crossed the finish line at 29:25:13 -- translated to 5:25 am. Back of the Pack award was a gift certificate for Platinum Performance donated by Platinum.
The results summary for the Saturday 100-mile Championship ride is here. BC scores for the Championship 100 are here.
100-Mile Regional Team Results
Regional teams were operative only in the Championship rides. Everyone in an AERC region in the Championship is nominally on their regional team. The top three riders in a region counted towards awards, and only the top three riders got their team’s "medals" -- actually buttons. First three teams won commemorative buttons donated by the Newmans.
So, Northeast came in first, with Holly Corcoran (photo earlier), Wendy Mancini (photo earlier), and Kathy Broaddus combining to a time of 42:01:37. They won gift certificates for tubs of Platinum Performance donated by Platinum; plus $10 gift cards from Riding Warehouse.
Southeast came second, with Marcia Weilbach, Clare Summers, and Sudi Lenhart posting a combined time of 44:32:32. They won beautifully metal-crafted paper towel holders from Don Elliott. And
Midwest came third, having a combined time of 47:32:44 for Jan Worthington, Guy Worthington and Teresa Fett.
They won five pound bags of horse treats donated by Valley Ag.
The results summary for the Championship 100-mile Regional Teams is here. |

Kathy Broaddus finished the complement of three for the winning Northeast Team |
100-Mile Open Team Results
Open teams had a maximum of four riders, with the fastest three horses to count. The first three teams won commemorative buttons donated by the Newmans.
Seven teams assembled for the competition. And they named themselves (hooray!): Make Endurance Great Again (MEGA), 3 MotherBuckers and a Spare, A Mixed Set, WEG Rejects + two AERC SuperStars, Tried and True, New Southeast, Non-Compliant Women. When the dust settled, Tried and True with Guy Worthington, Jan Worthington, Cheryl van Deusen, and Marcia Weilbach won the blue with the red being taken by the Mixed Set of Natalie Muzzio, Lois McAfee, Amelia Young, and Monica Rawson. No other teams completed three riders.
Combined time for Tried and True (top three riders) was 46:18:25; for the Mixed Set was 50:45:45. The Tried and True riders received Cashel rump rugs donated by Riding Warehouse and gift certificated for tubs of Platinum Performance donated by Platinum. The Mixed Set won metalcrafted horsehead hoofpicks donated by Mountain Farrier plus $10 gift cards from Riding Warehouse. Very well done, indeed.
The results summary for the 100-Mile Open Teams is here.
Lost and Found:
Two (unmatched) horse boots and a bell boot were found, and, remarkably, that is about all.