Friday, May 3, 2024: 25, 50 mile rides
Saturday, May 4 2024 : 30, 55 75 and 100 mile rides.
The 100-mile ride is also the AHA Region 12 100-Mile Championship for 2024 (#241216229)! Additonal, separate entry required. Can be done at ride site.
==> link to on line entries for the AERC ride.
For ride results: May 2023 ride results.
September 21, 2024: Fall Ride at Biltmore
50 mile and 25 mile endurance rides. On this weekend Biltmore will also host Ride and Tie events !
Entries available at Fall Ride Entries
General Conditions: Built in 1895, the Estate trails promise a challenging ride along the French Broad River and over rolling hills and low mountains. We recommend that all horses have hoof protection. Breast collars/cruppers may be helpful. Each loop will circle back to a central vetting area adjacent to the main camping area.
Controlled Entry to Biltmore Estate. As part of the need for security on the Estate, and to provide a more official mode of access for attendees to the Estate grounds, names are provided for a list used by the front gate guards for initial entry (the "Gate List"). Subsequent re-entry will be via wristbands available at the ride site. Entry for one named crew member is covered as part of the ride entry fees (note: two named crew members are included in the 75 mile and 100 mile ride fees). On the Estate, including at the ride site, colored wristbands will be required to be worn as visible proof of permission.
Covid-induced limit: One crew member per rider.
Note: children 16 and under are free, but must still have their names on the "Gate List" and wear the wristbands.
Note: Most photographs for the web site have been generously contributed by Genie Stewart-Spears and Becky Pearman
==>>> Federal (US Government) law requires us to create safe and respectful sporting environments, free of abuse and harassment. With that in mind we are particularly aware of our vulnerable population of young people. Please work with us on this. The USA Center for SafeSport has resources and training (see that all adults should take in an ideal world.