Cheryl Newman, Organizing Committee
Elizabeth McLean and Rachel Kelly, Organizing Committee, Representative of Biltmore Equestrian Center
Stagg Newman, Course Designer; Stephanie LaPlante and Annie Markley, Trail Managers
Elizabeth McLean, Bonni Hannah, Volunteer Coordinators
FEI officials:
Heather Hoyns, Technical Delegate
Shawn Polke, President of the Ground Jury
Kiyotaka Yaguchi, Foreign Judge
Carol Thompson, Judge
Heather Hoyns, Chief Steward
Kristen Seymore, Steward
Norma House, Steward
Assistants: Tim Clark, Lydia Jeffries (parking), Stagg Newman (overnight stable security)
Jeff Pauley, Mountain Farrier Service
Body Therapy
People: Nancy MacDonald
Equine: Lauren Lukert
Planned: Becky Pearman
Volunteer -- contact Bonni Hannah or Rachel Kelly
'It takes a village' -- volunteer to assist. Opportunities are available in many areas:
- Timer assistants
- Pre-ride trails
- Parking management
- Spotters, crossing guards
- Vet recorders
- Pulse takers for Limited Distance completion
- "Go-fers"