May 2014 Primary Distance Results
Ride photos and portraits are available at
We did have a ride. On Tuesday of ride week, it was difficult to see how we could have a ride. The venue was heavily under water with more rain expected. So the ride got re-stacked:
New plan | Original plan |
- Sunday 55 and 75(from Friday) |
- Friday 30, 55, 75 - Saturday 25, 50, 75, 100 - Ride and ties both days |
For those who chose to receive full refunds, please look for them around the end of May. The process: post-ride Cheryl assembled the data for refunds. That was done by Friday, May 9. Then sent to BEC for checking Saturday, May 10. The person at BEC was on vacation and only got the file Wednesday, May 14. After checking it goes to Biltmore Estate accounting for further checking then check issuance, then Post Office. If you elected to get a full refund, please bug Cheryl if you don't have it by end of May.
Riders came ready to ride with fit horses. Azalea and rhododendrens were peaking, and dogwoods were shedding the last of their blossoms. Over the winter, trail master Stagg Newman and his team had managed to add 30 miles of new trails that got rave reviews. The sun was shining.
Saturday's 75 and 100 mile competitions started at 6 am, Sunday's 55 and 75 mile events at 6:15 am. Saturday we started 50 horses -- 30 in the 75 and 20 in the 100. Sunday we started 70 horses -- 53 in the 55 and 17 in the 75. This was about half what we had had entered prior to the flooding-driven re-plan.
We had our eighth year of team competition at Biltmore this year, available to all riders. Teams consisted of between 3 and 4 riders in the same distance with the best three times being considered to determine team placings. 100% of the 100-milers participated, with lesser percentages from the other distances, but we did have team competitions in all four events.
Consistent with the theme that Friday became Sunday, we will start with Sunday results....
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Fifty-three horses started the 55-mile ride, with 41 completing, for a 77% completion rate. Completion awards were travel mugs sponsored by Southern States / Triple Crown Feed, Ken Wilson Ford, and Auburn Labs (makers of APF Pro). Heather Reynolds was the champion on her gelding, RR Opening Act, in the Friday-becomes-Sunday 55-mile ride, with a ride time of 5:42:24. But they were closely pursued by Bonni Hannah on her gelding, Rezus Respite, better known as Raz. Third and fourth came in closely together about 30 minutes later -- Jennifer Simpson on Nicolaii and Sudi Lenhart on Hombro. As first to finish, Heather won a clay tile depicting running horses donated by Nan Jacobsohn of the Clay Horse. Top ten awards in the 55 were $20 gift certificates to Dover Saddlery, getting smiles all around. Four horses stood for Best Conditioned. Heather Reynolds won that ('going away'), a pair of horse head bookends donated by the Newmans. High Vet Score was also won by Heather, winning a gift certificate donated by Running Bear. |
The results summary for the Friday-becomes-Sunday 55-mile ride is here. BC scores for the 55 are here.
The senior division FEI CEI 1* ride attracted 4 riders, all of whom completed. The division was won by Heather Reynolds on RR Opening Act in a ride time of 5:42:24. She won an EquiTech saddle pad donated by Shorty Gray of Shorty's Saddles. Heather also won the FEI senior division best conditioned award, a $20 gift certificate donated by Dover Saddlery.
The FEI Young / Junior Rider division had one rider, who completed. Mary Katherine Clark won the FEI YJ CEI 1* ride onMustafa Tehrani's Chasing the Wind in a ride time of 6:38:24. They won a book about the Biltmore Estate donated by BEC.
Full Friday-becomes-Sunday FEI 55-mile results are here.
The 55-mile AHA local competition required explicit entry, AHA competition card for owner and rider, and Arab, Half Arab, or AngloArab registry in the USA or Canada. 2 entered the competition -- one full Arab and one half-Arab. Both completed.
Nelia Rueter won the full Arab 55 mile ride on Cherwona in a ride time of 7:49:30. They won a saddle pack-sized bottle of Pyranha fly repellent. Foster Olson on his Rockette Survivor won the HalfArab competition in a ride time of 8:09:08. They also won a saddle pack-sized bottle of Pyranha fly repellent.
Full Friday-becomes-Sunday AHA 55-mile results are here.
6 teams were assembled in the 55 to compete for awards offered for the top three teams. The times of the fastest three riders out of three or four counted. While the primary sponsor of the team awards was Teddy Lancaster of Running Bear, other prizes were donated by BEC and the Newmans.
The first place team was the "Team of 2 Plus 2" consisting of Heather Reynolds, Liz Galloway, Shana Hall and Gail Thompson. Their combined best-three ride time was 21:00:53. Their combined time won them medals donated by Teddy Lancaster of Running Bear, and a $20 gift certificates from Dover Saddlery. Second place in the team standings were the "We're Not Racing" team, comprised of Bonni Hannah, Amy Wallace Whelan, Annie Whelan, and Nina Barnett, finishing in a best-three time of 21:39:37. This team wonsaddle-pack sized bottles of Pyranha fly spray plus medals donated by Teddy Lancaster of Running Bear. "Was Broke But Got Fixed" were the third place team with a best-three ride time of 23:09:31 turned in by Nolan Whitesell, Sudi Lenhart, Meta Sadlon and Tim Sadlon, winning mini-flashlights donated by the Newmans and medals donated by Teddy Lancaster of Running Bear.
Full results for the 55 mile teams are here.
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Seventeen horses started the Friday-becomes-Sunday 75-mile ride, with 9 finishing for a 52% completion rate. Completion awards were travel mugs sponsored by Southern States / Triple Crown Feed, Ken Wilson Ford, and Auburn Labs (makers of APF Pro). While nothing as dramatic as the tie between Nicki Meuten and Wendy MacCoubrey the prior evening in the 100, Emilynn DiBassie (left) and Marbie Kollath (above) agreed to tie for first in the AERC 75-mile ride on Friday-becomes-Sunday. Emilynn was on Jeremy and Ellyn Olson's Wild Victoria, and Marbie was on Cheryl Newman's JS Comet. Their ride time was 9:08:36. The first to finish women agreed that Emilynn would get the AERC first-to-finish award -- a portrait of horse and rider to be executed by Emily Shields, a local artist and equestrian trainer. Third place, finishing 25 minutes later, was Stephanie McLeod on Valerie Kanavy's Racecourse Gold. |
Top ten awards in the 75 were bottles of the special APF Pro supplement donated by Auburn Labs.
Middle of the pack was Jeremy Reynolds on RR Most Likely in 10:39, winning a leadline.
Back of the pack was Heleen deBeer on Cheryl van Deusen's Ebs Regal Majjaan, winning a EquiTech saddle pad donated by Shorty Gray of Shorty's Saddles.
The AERC Best Conditioned award was a V-Max Enduro heart monitor system donated by Distance Depot and won by Marbie Kollath. High vet score was won by Heleen deBeer who rode Cheryl van Deusen's Ebs Regal Majjaan.
The results summary for the Friday-becomes-Sunday 75-mile ride is here. The BC scores for this ride are here.
The senior division of the Friday-becomes-Sunday FEI CEI 2* ride attracted six riders, four of whom completed. The division was won by Marbie Kollath on Cheryl Newman's JS Comet in a ride time of 9:08:36. She won an EquiTech saddle pad donated by Shorty Gray of Shorty's Saddles. Marbie also won the FEI senior division best conditioned award, a $20 gift certificate donated by Dover Saddlery.
The FEI Young / Junior Rider division had nine riders, four of whom completed. Emilynn DiBassie won the FEI YJ CEI 2* ride on Ellyn and Jeremy Olson's Wild Victoria in a ride time of 9:08:36. They won a book about the Biltmore Estate donated by BEC. They also won FEI YJ best conditioned award, getting a gift certificate for a 10 pound bucket of Platinum Performance donated by the manufacturer.
Full Friday-becomes-Sunday FEI 75-mile results are here.
The Friday-becomes-Sunday 75-mile AHA local competition required explicit entry, AHA competition card for owner and rider, and Arab, Half Arab, or AngloArab registry in the USA or Canada. 5 entered the competition -- three full Arabs and two Half-Arabs. None of thefull Arabs completed and both HalfArabs completed.
Nancy Sluys won on her FYF InZane won the HalfArab competition in a ride time of 10:11:02. They won a saddle pack-sized bottle of Pyranha fly repellent.
The results summary for the Friday-becomes-Sunday 75-mile ride is here.
4 teams were assembled in the Sunday 75 mile ride to compete for awards offered for the top three teams. The times of the fastest three riders out of three or four counted. While the primary sponsor of the team awards was Teddy Lancaster of Running Bear, other prizes were donated by BEC and the Newmans.
The first place team was unnamed, consisting of Jeremy Reynolds, Nicola Gilbert Thorn, Stephanie McLeod, and Jessica DiCamillo. Their combined best-three ride time was 30:53:30. Their combined time won them medals donated by Teddy Lancaster of Running Bear, and a copy of Angie McGhee's book "The Lighter Side of Endurance Riding". No other teams completed three riders.
Full results for the 75-mile teams are here.
Thirty horses started the Saturday 75-mile ride, with twenty completing, for a 67% completion rate. Completion awards were travel mugs sponsored by Southern States / Triple Crown Feed, Ken Wilson Ford, and Auburn Labs (makers of APF Pro). Heather Reynolds rocked the field on her stegosaurus-maned gelding, Stirgess, in the Saturday 75-mile ride, winning in a ride time of 7:59:10. Less than half a minute later, they were followed by Tom Hagis on his gelding Indian Reinman. Shortly after that, Stephanie McLeod finished third on Valerie Kanavy's gelding, Tu Gold. Heather's first to finish performance got a custom-made platter of the Biltmore Challenge mountains in sunset with running horses for 2014 made and donated by Marbie Kollath, a local art teacher who is also a rider. Top ten awards in the 75 were bottles of Biltmore Estate wine, much appreciated by all winners. Middle of the pack was Yvette Vinton on her mare, Teese, in a ride time of 9:16:55, winning a leadline. Back of the pack was Martha Rattner on Lori Shifflett's Nivour de Classicus in a ride time of 14:32:46, winning a EquiTech saddle pad donated by Shorty Gray of Shorty's Saddles. Five horses stood for Best Conditioned. Heather Reynolds won that, a full sized shear comfort seat saver donated by Kristen Lacey of Distance Depot. High Vet Score was also won by Heather, winning a gift certificate donated by Running Bear. |
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The results summary for the Saturday 75-mile ride is here. BC results are here.
The Saturday FEI CEI 2* ride attracted seven riders, six of whom completed. The division was won by Heather Reynolds on Stirgess in a ride time of 7:59:10. She won an EquiTech saddle pad donated by Shorty Gray of Shorty's Saddles. Heather also won the FEI senior division best conditioned award, a $20 gift certificate donated by Dover Saddlery.
The FEI Young / Junior Rider division had twelve riders, seven of whom completed. Stephanie McLeod of Canada won the FEI YJ CEI 2* ride on Valerie Kanavy's Tu Gold in a ride time of 9:01:56. They won a book about the Biltmore Estate donated by BEC. They also won FEI YJ best conditioned award, getting a gift certificate for a 10 pound bucket of Platinum Performance donated by the manufacturer.
Full Saturday FEI 75-mile results are here.
The Saturday 75-mile AHA local competition required explicit entry, AHA competition card for owner and rider, and Arab, Half Arab, or AngloArab registry in the USA or Canada. One horse entered the competition -- a full Arab who completed.
Wilhelmina deBoer won the full Arab 55 mile ride on Serenity Arufa in a ride time of 10:59:29. They won a saddle pack-sized bottle of Pyranha fly repellent.
The results summary for the Saturday 75-mile ride is here.
4 teams were assembled in the 75 mile ride held on Saturday to compete for awards offered for the top three teams. The times of the fastest three riders out of three or four counted. While the primary sponsor of the team awards was Teddy Lancaster of Running Bear, other prizes were donated by BEC and the Newmans.
The first place team was "Val and the Gals" consisting of Valerie Kanavy, Heather Reynolds, Stephanie McLeod, and Mallory Capps. Their combined best-three ride time was 24:22:18. Their combined time won them medals donated by Teddy Lancaster of Running Bear, and a copy of Angie McGhee's book "The Lighter Side of Endurance Riding" (or a book about the Biltmore Estate). Second place in the team standings were the "3 J's and an A" team, comprised of Jessida Chambless, Jennie Fox, Josie Whelan and Amy Sumrall, finishing in a best-three time of 30:37:51. This team won 5 gallon buckets donated by the Newmans plus medals donated by Teddy Lancaster of Running Bear. No other teams completed three riders.
Full results for the Saturday 75-mile teams are here.
Trails for the 100-mile ride took advantage of the parts of the historic trail system through Biltmore Farms, providing some of the best forest and river riding around.
20 horses and riders started the 100-mile course, with 14 pairs completing, for a 70% completion rate -- the highest for several years at Biltmore. Just for contrast, completion rates were: in 2013, 66%; in 2012, 65%; in 2011, 58%; in 2010, 50% ; and in 2009, 64% . Completion awards were travel mugs sponsored by Southern States / Triple Crown Feed, Ken Wilson Ford, and Auburn Labs (makers of APF Pro).
Canadian Wendy MacCoubrey on Valerie Kanavy's Raven About Gold and North Carolinian Nicki Meuten on Cashin In tied for first place in the 100 mile ride. The photo here shows the camaraderie of the event. What was also remarkable was the overhead camera view of the finish -- you would not believe a whisker separated first from second. The winning time was 11:51:51. First place was a beautiful yellow beta headstall and reins overlaid with Indian motif beta donated by the talented Amanda Taylor of Taylored Tack, with Wendy and Nicki agreeing that Wendy should have that. It was over an hour before the third place horse and rider arrived, RR An Honest Crook ridden by Jeremy Reynolds (ride time of 12:56:14). Top ten awards in the 100 were bottles of Biltmore Estate wine, much appreciated by all winners. Four horses stood for Best Conditioned. Nicki Meuten won that, a waterproof blanket in maroon with gold embroidery in memory of Maggy Price donated by Mary Coleman of Country Aire Farm. High Vet Score was won by Angie McGhee on Fadjur's Testamony, winning a gift certificate donated by Running Bear. |
Middle of the pack was won by Steve Rojek, getting a reflective vest donated by Shelby Friml of Double Diamond Saddlery of Ferguson, NC.
Back of the pack (always a tough one to get) was a four-way tie among Cheryl van Deusen, Holly Corcoran, Sarah Schick, and Vickie Stine (finishing time of 15:57:30). They also tied for tenth place. I don't remember who was agreed to get the turtle award, but they won a headlamp highly recommended by Nancy Sluys.
No juniors or young riders started the 100.
The results summary for the Saturday 100-mile ride are here. BC scores for the 100 mile ride are here.
The senior division FEI 100 attracted 12 riders, 9 of whom completed. The division was won by Wendy MacCoubrey on Valerie Kanavy's Raven About Gold in a ride time of 11:51:51. She won Equi-Tech saddle pad donated by Shorty's Saddles. They also won the FEI senior division best conditioned award, a $20 gift certificate donated by Dover Saddlery.
No Junior / Young Riders entered the FEI 100.
Full Saturday FEI 100-mile results are here.
The Saturday 100-mile AHA local competition required explicit entry, AHA competition card for owner and rider, and Arab, Half Arab, or AngloArab registry in the USA or Canada. 4 entered the competition -- three full Arab and one half-Arab. Two of the Arabs completed.
Cheryl van Deusen won the full Arab 100 mile ride on Hoover the Mover in a ride time of 10:57:29. They won a saddle pack-sized bottle of Pyranha fly repellent.
The results summary for the Saturday 100-mile ride is here.
5 teams were assembled in the 100 to compete for awards offered for the top three teams. The times of the fastest three riders out of three or four counted. While the primary sponsor of the team awards was Teddy Lancaster of Running Bear, other prizes were donated by the Newmans and Biltmore Equestrian Center.
The first place team was "The King and His Court" consisting of Jeremy Reynolds, Wendy MacCoubrey, Meg Sleeper, and Katherine Gardener. Their combined best-three ride time was 39:13:30. Their combined time won them medals donated by Teddy Lancaster of Running Bear, and a copy of Angie McGhee's book "The Lighter Side of Endurance Riding". Second place in the team standings were the "Ready Fire Aim" team, comprised of Steve Rojek, Kyle Gibbon, Megan Savory-Davis, and Amy Gantt, finishing in a best-three time of 44:37:31. This team won 5 gallon buckets donated by the Newmans plus medals donated by Teddy Lancaster of Running Bear. "BCDS" were the third place team with a best-three ride time of 47:52:31 turned in by Cheryl van Deusen, Claude Brewer, Holly Corcoran, and Vic Stine, winning mini-flashlights donated by the Newmans and medals donated by Teddy Lancaster of Running Bear.
Full results for the 100-mile teams are here.
The results summary for the Biltmore and Clemson ride and ties is here.
Unclaimed items found on site:
Navy blue horse dress sheet.
"Black and White" hackamore.
Please contact Cheryl Newman if any of the found items is yours, or you found any of the lost items, thanks.
July 2014 Primary Distance Results:
Photographer: Ken Martin, Smith’s Photography at Photos are now on line, just click the Buy Online link.
Friday 30-mile ride
Friday 55-mile ride
Saturday 25-mile ride
Saturday 55-mile ride
Wow, what a relief to put on a (relatively) normal ride! No floods, no major weather challenges, competitors and horses out enjoying the trails together. It can happen. Many thanks to all who made it happen -- riders, horses, crew, sponsors, BEC, our vets, our wonderful volunteers, and the SERA team.
The pulls were metabolic, lameness, and overtime. Metabolic pulls resolved without invasive treatment.
Friday 30-mile ride
Twenty-four horses started the Friday 30-mile ride, with twenty-two completing, for a 92% completion rate. Completion awards were travel mugs sponsored by Southern States / Triple Crown Feed, Ken Wilson Ford, and Auburn Labs (makers of APF Pro).
Amy Sumrall, one of our trail gurus, won on her gelding, Solomon of Kortez in a ride time of 3:02:10. About ten minutes later, her husband, Mike deChant's horse Koweta Pendleton (aka, Dillon) pulsed down making a ride time of 3:13:20. A few minutes later, Susan Kain's horse, MNX Sahidinn Tyib, better known as Tyler, pulsed down for ride time of 3:16:07.
For first to finish, Amy won an entry to the May 2015 Biltmore Challenge ride (50 or 55) donated by Biltmore Equestrian Center (BEC).
First Junior went to Holly Monroe on Chosen Ballast (Apache) in a ride time of 3:24:10. They won a horse-themed bracelet donated by Susan and Ed Kain.
Middle of the Pack award went to second place junior, Lily Turaski on Chance of Freedom (4:37:06). For Middle of the Pack, she won a Equestrian year-long pass donated by BEC, enabling them to ride on the Estate trails, and access to all the Estate features, including the mansion. For second place junior, she won a leadline.
Best Morgan horse was won by Pearl (RTS Gee-Whixz) ridden by John Lyttle in a ride time of 4:40:42. The AMHA donated a ribbon and certificate.
Back of the Pack was won by Susan Wilson on Casper LA in a ride time of 5:50:50. They won a small horse-themed platter donated by the Newmans.
Top ten awards in the 30 were hand-wrought horse-shoe handled hoof picks made and donated by Jeff Pauley of Mountain Farrier Service. And Brenda Sears on Phoenix came in eleventh and won a halter donated by the Newmans.
Eight horses stood for Best Conditioned. Susan Kain on Tyler won that -- getting a pair of Stay-On Poultices donated by the Newmans.. High Vet Score was also won by Susan, winning a halter donated by the Newmans.
AERC key results are here
Best condition results are here
Friday 55-mile ride
Twenty-five horses started the Friday 55-mile ride, with twenty completing, for an 80% completion rate. Completion awards were travel mugs sponsored by Southern States / Triple Crown Feed, Ken Wilson Ford, and Auburn Labs (makers of APF Pro).
Two folks tied for first to finish in a ride time of 6:31 -- Deborah McClary on Psyches Traveler and Don Meuten on FYF Dutch. Don graciously agreed to let Deborah have the first to finish award -- a clay tile depicting horses donated by Nan Jacobsohn of the Clay Horse. Nicki Meuten finished just seconds later (6:31:02) on Keep on Rollin B.
No Juniors completed the ride.
Middle of the Pack award went to Vance Stine on Laissez-Faire in a ride time of 8:26:02. He won a Equestrian year-long pass donated by BEC, enabling them to ride on the Estate trails, and access to all the Estate features, including the mansion.
Best Morgan horse was won by KF Barans Salutation ridden by Gail Thompson in a ride time of 8:35:00. The AMHA donated a ribbon and certificate.
Back of the Pack was a 20 pound bucket of Hoof Power donated by Jeff and Leigh Ann Pauley. That was won by Theresa Bagwell on Jamag Tinian in a ride time of 9:52:02. Getting it to Theresa may take some time as it was not available at awards and won't ship.
Top ten awards in the 55 were $20 gift certificates to Dover Saddlery, getting smiles all around. Eleventh place prize, a mouse pad with a horse, was won by Vance Stine on Laissez-Faire in a ride time of 8:26:02.
Five horses stood for Best Conditioned. Don Meuten won that on FYF Dutch, getting a beta biothane halter donated by Distance Depot. High Vet Score was won by Ruth Anne Everett on Racer (Belesemo Odyssey) -- getting Tipperary sunglasses donated by the Newmans
AERC key results are here
Best condition results are here
Saturday 25-mile ride
Fifty-two (!) horses started the Saturday 25-mile ride, with forty-five completing, for an 87% completion rate. Completion awards were travel mugs sponsored by Southern States / Triple Crown Feed, Ken Wilson Ford, and Auburn Labs (makers of APF Pro).
Multiple-time world endurance 100-mile champion, Valerie Kanavy won on her up-and-coming horse Just Gold, recovering first for a ride time of 2:27:32. They won a 50/55-mile entry to the May 2015 Biltmore Challenge. Second to complete was the first Junior who was riding with Valerie -- Nayar Vinaver from Mexico. Nayar was on another of Val's up-and-coming horses, Gold Mist, finishing in a ride time of 2:28:32. As first Junior, Nayar won a $20 gift certificate donate by Dover Saddlery. Third to complete was Marbie Kollath on Susan Kain's MNX Sahidinn Tyib (Tyler) in a ride time of 2:31:02.
Second Junior was Caroline Guy on TSparks Ablaze (Pretzel) in a time of 3:38:40, winning a lead line donated by the Newmans. In order, third, fourth and fifty juniors finishing were Lily Turaski on Chance of Freedom (4:05:16), Hannah Monroe on Chosen Ballast (Apache) (4:07:03), and Maddie Thorne on Reba Rose (5:05:29) -- each winning a decreasing-sized sponge donated by the Newmans.
Middle of the Pack was won by Pam Burrows on Comets Grand Slam in a ride time of 4:16:09. She won an Equestrian year-long pass donated by BEC, enabling them to ride on the Estate trails, and access to all the Estate features, including the mansion.
Best Morgan horse was won by Pearl (RTS Gee-Whixz) ridden by John Lyttle in a ride time of 4:35:32. The AMHA donated a ribbon and certificate.
Back of the Pack was won by Marianne Williams on AAbsolut Bling SFin a ride time of 5:16:06. They won a small horse-themed platter donated by the Newmans.
Top ten awards in the 25 were were hand-wrought horse-shoe handled hoof picks made and donated by Jeff Pauley of Mountain Farrier Service. Eleventh place prize, a set of Laurel Burch notecards, was won by Daniel Hallman on Sovereign Will in a ride time of 3:18:30.
Six horses stood for Best Conditioned. Marbie Kollath on Susan Kain's Tyler won that -- getting a horse-themed throw embroidered with Biltmore Challenge, Best Conditioned, 25-Mile ride, donated by Susan and Ed Kain. High Vet Score was also won by Marbie, winning a $20 gift certificate donated by Dover Saddlery.
AERC key results are here
Best condition results are here
Saturday 55-mile ride
Fifteen horses started the Saturday 55-mile ride, with twelve completing, for an 80% completion rate. Completion awards were travel mugs sponsored by Southern States / Triple Crown Feed, Ken Wilson Ford, and Auburn Labs (makers of APF Pro).
Bonni Hannah, one of our critical volunteer coordinators, won the ride on her FinderZKeepers in a ride time of 6:20. She won an EquiTech saddle pad donated by Shorty Gray of Shorty's Saddles and Tack. Second across the line was Erin Champion on her My Lords Solomon (Kimbo) in a ride time of 6:31:01, followed immediately by Ashley Phillips on Morgan Watson's Somentes Star (6:31:02).
First Junior was first-time-rider Amber Totilas on Megan Savory-Davis' Shashi in a ride time of 8:41. They won a basket of horse-oriented goodies donated by Susan and Ed Kain.
Middle of the Pack was won by Wendy Mancini on Fleuron in a ride time of 8:36. Though she had tied with Dominika Nawrot, they agreed that Wendy would get the prize -- an Equestrian year-long pass donated by BEC, enabling them to ride on the Estate trails, and access to all the Estate features, including the mansion.
No Morgans were in the ride.
Back of the Pack was a tie between Amy Dedafoe on Morado Cielo (Ernie) and Ruth Anne Everett on Belesemo Odyssey (Racer) in a ride time of 8:47-- for eleventh place. One of them got the eleventh place award of a small horse platter donated by the Newmans, and the other got back of the pack prize which was a snugpack donated by EasyCare.
Top ten awards inthe 55 were 5-gallon buckets donated by the Newmans.
Five horses stood for Best Conditioned. Erin Champion on My Lords Solomon (Kimbo) won that -- -- getting a horse-themed throw embroidered with Biltmore Challenge, Best Conditioned, 50-Mile ride (so it short-changed the distance a bit), donated by Susan and Ed Kain. Erin also won high vet score, winning a halter donated by the Newmans.
AERC key results are here
Best condition results are here